Facebook is now requiring business page owners to pay to have their status updates read by every subscriber. If we don't, status updates only show up in less than 10% of newsfeeds, even though you have "liked" the page indicating you want to see posts from this page. However, there is a way around it. Hover over the button on the page where it says "Like" and then make sure you are check marked to "show in news feed". Its free! And, you won't miss updates from this page. Do it to all of the pages you've "liked." Support small businesses, and please tell your friends!


  1. You can also add them into your "Interests" On the left hand side under your apps, friends groups etc. Keep scrolling down and click on the MORE. There create your own group, and then add pages there. I have a group just for things scrapbooking related. Then I can click on that group and see all scrapbooking feeds in one place. (Just like people or game feeds)

    Since I had played a lot of games in the past, just showing in the feed doesn't work for me as I may have up to 50 posts per minute.


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